dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
win = New Window( "Platform Example",
	Outline Box( "Analyses of height in Big Class.jmp",
		H List Box(
			cc = Control Chart(
				Chart Col( Height, "Individual
				Measurement", "Moving Range" ),
				K Sigma( 3 )
			dist = Distribution( Columns( Height ) )
Example: Multiple Graphs in One Report Window
Now you can work with the window by sending messages to the reference csp. This is a display box reference, whose capabilities are similar to those of a Report for a platform. You can use multiple-argument subscripting to locate specific items within the outline tree:
csp["Control ?", "moving range ?"] << Close;
csp["Dist?", "quantiles"] << Close;
Notice that the preceding script not only assigned the whole window to a reference (csp) but also assigned the platform launch scripts to names (cc and dist) within their display boxes. This makes it easy to route messages to the platforms. You could, in turn, get the reports for these and have yet another way to manipulate display boxes. The following are equivalent messages that reopen the nodes:
rcc = cc << Report;
rdist = dist << Report;
rcc["moving range ?"] << Close;
rdist["quantiles"] << Close;
cc << Needle;
dist << Normal Quantile Plot;
Changing a Custom Report