Inference for Means
Price Quotes
Confidence Intervals and t-Tests for Paired Samples
Determine whether pricing experts are providing different price quotes to customers.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, Tables > Stack, Graph > Graph Builder, and Formula Editor
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Histograms, summary statistics, confidence interval for the mean, and One Sample t-Test (for a difference).
One Sample t Confidence Interval
Using data from a survey of students, estimate the average number of siblings for the general population. Key ideas: Logarithmic transformation, inverse transformation, mean versus median, power, robustness of t procedures, sampling distribution.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, Formula Editor, transforming in Graph Builder
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Histograms, normal quantile plots, log transformations, confidence intervals, inverse transformation.
Fish Story: Not Too Many Fish in the Sea
Paired t-Test and Nonparametric Tests
Use the DASL Fish Prices data to investigate whether there is evidence that overfishing occurred from 1970 to 1980. Key ideas: Adjusting for Inflation, Additive Versus Multiplicative Models, Hypothesis Testing, Matched Pairs, Paired t-Test, Nonparametric Tests.
JMP features demonstrated:
Formula Editor, Analyze > Distribution, Analyze > Matched Pairs
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Histograms, normal quantile plots, log transformations, inverse transformation, paired t-test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test.
Treatment Facility
Two Sample Means and Time Series
Determine what effect a reengineering effort had on the incidence of behaviorial problems and turnover at a treatment facility for teenagers.
JMP features demonstrated:
Tables > Tabulate, Graph > Control Charts > Run Chart, and Analyze > Fit Y by X (Oneway)
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Summary statistics, time series plots, normal quantile plots, Two Sample t-Test, Unequal Variance Test, and Welch's Test.
Priority Assessment
ANOVA and Exploratory Data Analysis
Determine whether a software development project prioritization system was effective in speeding the time to completion for high priority jobs.
JMP features demonstrated:
Tables > Tabulate, Analyze > Distribution, Rows > Exclude and Rows > Hide, and Analyze > Fit Y by X (Oneway)
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Summary statistics, histograms, ANOVA, multiple comparisons, Unequal Variance Test, and Welch's Test.
Determine if a backgammon program is about the same in 2011 and 2012 as it was in 1998, or if there appear to have been upgrades at some point. Also, determine whether a professor is demonstrably superior in play to the program. Key ideas: One-Way ANOVA, testing assumptions, F ratio, R2, and basic computations.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, Tables > Stack, Analyze > Fit Y by X, Formula Editor, the Probability and Distribution Calculator (as part of the free Interactive Teaching Modules Add-in from
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Histograms, confidence intervals, stacking data, One-Way ANOVA, Unequal Variances test, one-sample t-Test, ANOVA table and calculations, F Distribution, F ratios.
Per Capita Income
One-Way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis
Use data from the World Factbook to determine if different geographic regions differ in overall wealth. Key ideas: ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Transformations, Tests for Unequal Variances, Samples Versus Populations, Randomization (Permutation) Tests.
JMP features demonstrated:
Graph > Graph Builder, Analyze > Fit Y by X, Dynamic Transformations in Graph Builder
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Geographic mapping, histograms, log transformation, ANOVA, Welch's ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis.
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