Multiple Regression
Cell Phone Service
Multiple Regression - Two Predictors
Determine whether wind speed and barometric pressure are related to phone call performance (percentage of dropped or failed calls).
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, dynamic plot linking, Analyze > Fit Y by X (Bivariate), Analyze > Fit Model (Standard Least Squares), Analyze > Multivariate Methods > Multivariate, Surface Profiler (from Fit Model)
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Histograms, summary statistics, simple linear regression, multiple regression, scatterplots, and three-dimensional scatterplot.
Housing Prices
Multiple Regresion - Multicollinearity and Model Building
After determining which factors relate to the selling prices of homes located in and around a ski resort, develop a model to predict housing prices.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Fit Model, Analyze > Multivariate Methods > Multivariate.
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Scatterplot matrix, pairwise and partial correlations, multiple regression, VIFs, stepwise regression, model diagnostics.
Lost Sales
Logistic Regression
Determine whether certain conditions make it more likely that a customer order will be won or lost.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, Analyze > Fit Y by X (Contingency), Analyze > Fit Y by X (Logistic), Analyze > Fit Model (Nominal Logistic), and Prediction Profiler (from Fit Model)
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Bar charts and frequency distributions, mosaic plots, contingency tables (cross tabs), chi-squared tests, logistic regression, predicted values and confusion matrix.
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