The Relevance of Measurement Systems Analysis: A Case Study on MSA Methodology and Applications

Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) is a critical technique used in research and product development, quality management, and process improvement that allows you to evaluate the ability of a measurement system to provide useful measurement data.

In this two-part webinar series we will be joined by Christian Neu from Procter and Gamble, who will present how P&G was able to leverage MSA in their process development to enhance process performance and thereby reduce cost and time to market.

In part one, we will introduce the concept of MSA and provide insights into the steps involved, including designing the study, gathering and analyzing data, and interpreting results.

In part two, we will analyze the design and execution of a gauge validation study. The study design involves using power and sample size to determine how many times two known reference samples need to be measured in order to show the expected difference. Additional discussion on how to deploy the validated gauge will follow.

Key Learning Points:

Part 1:

Part 2 :

If you are a research and development scientist, quality manager, process engineer, or data analyst, this webinar is for you. You will leave with a clear understanding of the significance of MSA in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of measurement systems, as well as how to apply this technique to your own work.


Christian Neu

Christian Neu is a scientist at Procter & Gamble Service GmbH working in the BabyFem Analytical Department. He has been working with P&G for 11 years and has a Master in Science in chemical engineering (biotechnology).

Gerald Fish

Gerald Fish is a Systems Engineer at JMP Statistical Discovery LLC, a SAS company that specializes in interactive statistical discovery software. Fish has been a JMP user for many years, even before he joined the JMP team. He has been active in the JMP community, even co-founding a users group in central Kentucky.

In his current role, Fish enjoys helping customers find hidden insights in data that result in quantifiable improvement. Before joining JMP, he held positions that concentrated on fundamental problem solving, simulations, statistics, data acquisition and analysis, and quality and process improvements over a 35-year career. Fish earned an MSME from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and holds eight patents.

Jason Wiggins

Jason Wiggins is a Senior Systems Engineer at JMP and supports semiconductor customers in the U.S. Western Region as JMP Senior Systems Engineer. Prior to joining JMP, Jason spent nearly 20 years at US Synthetic, where he worked as Engineering Manager and advocated for the use of analytics in lean product and process development as member of the US Synthetic Steering Committee. An expert in process optimization and Six Sigma, Jason has extensive industry experience using JMP for design of experiments, measurement systems analysis, data visualization, data mining, predictive modeling and statistical process control. He trained in mechanical engineering at the University of Utah and began his career as an R&D engineer and later a process engineer for oilfield service company Baker Hughes.

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