Film on the Rocks
by Marlene Smith, University of Colorado Denver Business School
Key Concepts: Bar charts, frequency distribution, summary statistics, mosaic plot, contingency table, (cross-tabulations), and chi-squared test

Use survey results from a summer movie series to answer questions regarding customer satisfaction, demographic profiles of patrons, and the use of media outlets in advertising.
Film on the Rocks is a summer movie series held at the world-renowned Red Rocks Amphitheatre, which is situated on a hillside of the Rocky Mountains in Morrison, Colorado fifteen miles west of Denver. The film series features classic films, and pre-show entertainment including bands and comedians. Among the features that have made Red Rocks an internationally-famous concert stage are sweeping views of Denver, outstanding acoustics, and cool, dry Colorado summers.
The series is jointly promoted by the Denver Film Society (DFS) and the City and County of Denver’s Division of Theatres and Arenas (DTandA). It is marketed through various outlets including newspaper, radio, and the Red Rocks and Denver Film Society websites. Film on the Rocks patrons also benefit from corporate sponsorship. In return for on-site posters and banners at Red Rocks, and recognition in pre-show marketing materials, corporations donate funds that keep ticket prices low.
Although the Red Rocks Amphitheatre provides a cinematic experience unlike any other venue, there are tradeoffs. Red Rocks is a farther commute for most people than the local movie theater or movie rental store. Given the uphill walk to the amphitheatre from the parking lot, getting there can be challenging. And, as an outdoor venue, the viewing experience is dependent on the weather.
Patron satisfaction with Red Rocks as the venue for the film series is critical to its success. But, the series promoters would also like to increase attendance at the film series, and are unsure how to do this. Promoters recognize that they need a better understanding of the customer base, and of the current level of satisfaction. Knowing the demographics of those who attend the film series will help attract and expand corporate sponsorship. In addition, knowing which media outlets are most effective will provide information about how best to target future marketing campaigns.
To this end, the promoters conducted surveys during a recent Film on the Rocks season. Questionnaires were handed out at the entrance. Volunteers walked through the crowd to remind people about the free soft drink given to those who returned the survey.
The Task
Use the survey results to address the following questions:
- What is the overall level of customer satisfaction?
- What factors are linked to satisfaction?
- What is the demographic profile of Film on the Rocks patrons?
- In what media outlet(s) should the film series be advertised?