Subliminal Messages

by Dr. DeWayne Derryberry, Idaho State University, Department of Mathematics

Key Concepts: Histograms, summary statistics, box plots, t-Test and pooled t-Test, normal quantile plot, Wilcoxon Rank Sums test, Cohen's d

Dr. DeWayne Derryberry

Idaho State University


Determine whether subliminal messages were effective in increasing math test scores, and if so, by how much.


An experiment was completed to assess whether there is evidence that subliminal messages (messages we are exposed to but may not be aware of) could help raise scores on a math skills assessment. Eighteen students who had failed a math skills test were randomly assigned to receive daily either positive subliminal messages (“Each day I am getting better at math”) or neutral subliminal messages (“People are walking on the street”). The students were participating in a summer program designed to raise their math skills. At the end of the program the students were re-assessed.

The Task

Determine whether the subliminal messages were effective, and if so, by how much.