Wenjun Bao

Chief Scientist and Director of Advanced Analytics R&D

Wenjun Bao

Wenjun Bao is Chief Scientist and Director of Advanced Analytics R&D in the Life Sciences division of JMP Statistical Discovery, a subsidiary of SAS that provides interactive and highly visual statistical discovery software to scientists and engineers. 

Bao has extensive experience in the clinical, bioinformatics, biochemistry and molecular biology fields. She has been a research grant review committee member for NIH since 2005 and research advisor for scientists at numerous universities and government agencies around the world. Bao is also an adjunct professor at Fudan University and a CDISC board member.

Prior to joining JMP, Bao was a Research Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a Research Assistant Professor at Duke University. She holds her PhD from Oregon Health and Science University.