Analytically Speaking
Roger Hoerl and Ronald Snee, authors of Statistical Thinking: Improving Business Performance, discuss strategic perspectives for process improvement.
Quality and reliability strongly influence the success of any business venture. You need a way to enhance products and processes with minimal cost, waste and time.
Now you can systematically use data to determine more efficient and effective ways to deliver products and services that consistently meet or exceed customer expectations.
Roger Hoerl and Ronald Snee, authors of Statistical Thinking: Improving Business Performance, discuss strategic perspectives for process improvement.
Authors Brenda and José Ramírez show how significance tests provide insight into performance variations between any two products, processes or materials.
This case study shows how three Visual Six Sigma strategies are put in practice to better understand the reasons behind the failure of a pill production line.
Six Sigma methods have helped Dow's 7,500 JMP Pro users add “billions and billions” of dollars in value.