Course Materials
Statistical Quality Control
The materials linked below will be applicable to a course on statistical quality control or Six Sigma.
The Essentials
JMP Books
Textbooks to Supplement Your Instruction
Find textbooks that integrate JMP. Most books may be requested through publisher websites. Contact your publisher representative for more information.
Step-by-Step Guides
Take a Deeper Dive on Select Topics
Provide step-by-step instructions and short videos to help your students learn how to do common statistical and graphical analyses in JMP.
Case Studies
JMP® Case Study Library
Assign real-world problems for class projects or homework. These case studies are complete with background information, tasks, data, exercises, and more.
In-Depth Webinars
Explore webinars specifically designed for faculty & students
Live and on-demand webinars to expand your JMP knowledge. Topics span basics to advanced.
Enhanced Datasets
Datasets useful for demonstrating statistical techniques and JMP platforms. Complemented with descriptive storylines, exercises, and supplemental materials, these enhanced datasets are designed to engage students in the process of problem solving through statistical analyses.
In addition, JMP comes with over 500 sample data sets included in the software, accessible through the JMP Help menu. Other datasets can be found in the JMP User Community and in JMP Public.
Applets and Add-Ins
Teaching Apps, Stats Calculators, & Extensions of JMP’s Capabilities
JMP’s teaching applets and calculators are ideal for illustrating and interactively exploring core statistical concepts and calculations. Add-ins extend JMP’s capabilities, opening up new possibilities in using JMP for teaching and learning.
Additional Resources
Full Course Materials
Course Materials from JMP Education
“JMP course-in-a-box” provides complimentary JMP teaching materials. Includes classroom materials, data sets, slides and more. These are all available for download to qualified instructors.
On-Demand Courses
Self-paced learning available 24/7
Full length on-demand courses from JMP Education cover a variety of topics and include activities, demos and exercises. Short instructor videos can supplement your course materials to create a flipped classroom.