Jump Into Quality

Thursday, 14 Nov | Live Web Workshop
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. GMT

Hosted via Zoom

Registration Fee: FREE

This complimentary online workshop is designed for intermediate to advanced users with at least one year of JMP experience, and who would like to dive deeper into quality. You will learn Statistical Process Control, Process Screening, and Measurement Analysis.

Detailed Agenda *
12:00 p.m.Welcome and Introductions
12:10 p.m.Statistical Process Control 
13:10 p.m. Break
13:20 p.m. Process Screening & Related Topics 
13:50 p.m. Break
14:00 p.m.Measurement System Analysis 
15:00 p.m.Q&A and Adjourn

* Agenda may change without notice.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Christopher Sanger

Register now to attend

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