JMP® Education
Course Catalog
We are glad you are interested in teaching with our world-class course materials! You can use these instructional Powerpoint Slides and detailed Course Notes, developed by JMP Education, to train up your organization in JMP skills and the statistical methods they need in order to use JMP well. No need to spend time developing your own content, or hiring a consultant to write about these same topics from scratch — you can use the instructional resources from any (or all!) of our 18 exceptional JMP courses.
You are welcome to adapt these materials by adding your own company-specific data examples or by shortening or expanding sections of the courses, etc.
Your JMP Sales Team can guide you through the process to get access to these materials.
Getting Started
JMP®: A Case Study Approach to Data Exploration
This course is designed as the first step for those who want to use JMP to explore, manage, and analyze data. It is recommended as a prerequisite for many of our other courses.
JMP®: Graphing and Reporting with JMP®
This course is designed for anybody who wants to create compelling graphs, reports, and dashboards that effectively share the story in their data.
JMP®: Statistical Decisions Using ANOVA and Regression
This course teaches you how to use analysis of variance and regression methods to analyze data with a single continuous response variable, and introduces statistical model building.
Design of Experiments and Quality Improvement
JMP®: Custom Design of Experiments
This course focuses on the core principles of designing an experiment, enabling you to understand and apply those principles to achieve an optimal design using the Custom Design platform in JMP.
JMP®: Classic Design of Experiments
This course teaches you how to design and analyze experiments in JMP to find the vital few factors or optimize the process response. The course emphasizes the principles of experimental design while demonstrating classic approaches to screening designs and response surface designs.
JMP®: Design and Analysis of Mixture Experiments
This course is for JMP users who deal with mixture or formulation experiments. The course demonstrates how to use various approaches to create an appropriate experimental design for commonly encountered mixture situations. The analysis of mixture experiments is also covered, including finding the optimum formulation.
JMP®: Modern Screening Designs
This advanced course presents strategies and methods, using JMP, for designing experiments to screen many factors in an optimal study, as well as several specialized analytical tools that respect the limited information available in such experiments.
JMP®: Measurement Systems Analysis
This course teaches you how to determine the measurement error associated with your process, including both measurement system variability and bias, using JMP software.
JMP®: Statistical Process Control
This course teaches you how to set up and maintain a statistical process control system using JMP software.
JMP®: Reliability Analysis for Non-Repairable Systems
This course is for anyone who needs to analyze data, using JMP, about how long an object (reliability) or person (survival) operates within acceptable parameters ("time to event"). The course is presented using manufacturing examples, but those interested in survival analysis or studying recidivism will also find the course useful.
Advanced Topics and JMP Pro
JMP® Pro: Analyzing Curves and Profiles Using the Functional Data Explorer
This course helps you recognize and model functional data. It teaches you to use the data as a response, such as the outcome for a designed experiment, or as new covariates or features, such as in a multivariate analysis.
JMP® Pro: Exploring and Analyzing Patterns in Text Data
The course covers the skills required to develop, assess, tune, compare, and score predictive models using JMP Pro software.
JMP® Pro: Finding Important Predictors
This course teaches you techniques for fitting statistical models to identify important variables. Manual, graphical, and automated variable selection techniques are presented, along with advanced modeling methods. The demonstrations include modeling both designed and undesigned data.
JMP® Pro: Predictive Modeling
The course covers the skills required to develop, assess, tune, compare, and score predictive models using JMP Pro software.
JMP®: Analyzing and Modeling Multidimensional Data
This course is for JMP users who work with data that have many variables. The course demonstrates various ways to examine high-dimensional data in fewer dimensions, as well as patterns that exist in the data.
JMP®: Analyzing Discrete Responses
This course teaches you how to analyze discrete (or categorical) data or outcomes using association, contingency tables, stratification, correspondence analysis, logistic regression, generalized linear models, partitioning, and artificial neural network models.
JMP Scripting Language
JMP®: The JMP® Scripting Language
This course is for JMP users who want to extend JMP software's functionality using the JMP Scripting Language (JSL) to automate routine tasks, extend or create new procedures, and customize reports.
JMP®: Designing and Building a Complete JMP® Script
This course teaches you how to approach writing a new script in a methodical way. A realistic case study is used to illustrate the typical steps. A separate case study is developed in the course exercises.