About us
The JMP story goes back to 1989 when John Sall decided to combine statistical analysis capabilities with graphical visualizations to animate and visualize data. For more than 35 years now, John Sall has led JMP R&D, making each version of JMP more visual, more interactive, and more practical to help users understand their data. What started as a passion project has grown by leaps and bounds. It’s now a family of statistical software products designed with scientists and engineers in mind and used worldwide in nearly every industry.
It’s spelled J-M-P, but pronounced “jump"
It suggests a leap in interactivity, a move in a new direction.
Our history

In 1989, JMP was launched as a SAS product – one of the many software products developed and sold by the global software giant. As a co-founder of SAS, John Sall had his hands on many important SAS products. But JMP was special to him and where he decided to focus his efforts.
Year after year, JMP got better and better. And the JMP team got bigger and bigger. One product became two, then three, and now four. While, in the early days, it was said that JMP could pretty much sell itself, Sall still had the foresight to set up sales, marketing, and other dedicated operations so that JMP could stand alone as a business unit within the safety and security of SAS.
Jump to January 1, 2022: After more than 30 years as a business unit, JMP became a wholly owned subsidiary of SAS. As its own company, with a different user base than SAS and different goals for its statistical offerings, JMP is moving in a different direction from SAS. Specifically, JMP is embracing the challenges of analytical practitioners within the science and engineering community.
Our products
Our story starts with our software. An exploration of the software section of our website gives a clear picture of JMP features, functions, and its myriad capabilities. But if you’d like a summary, it’s this simple: All JMP products are intuitively interactive, compellingly visual, and statistically deep. They’re all designed to allow users to see and explore their data. Oh, and we strive to make each release more powerful than the one before, which is why we continue to invest heavily in R&D.

Our users
Continuously delivering value to the company – that’s what JMP can do.
We say that great software in the right hands can change the world. We say it because we’ve seen it. We’ve seen scientists and engineers use JMP to advance green energy technologies, speed cancer therapies to market, protect fragile ecosystems with decisive conservation management, and build infrared detectors that withstand long journeys into space.
You get the idea: Advancements are made when brilliant people use JMP to see what they’ve not seen before. But don’t take our word for it.
With JMP, scientists at Oxford Biomedica saw a tenfold increase in viral vector titer. Lonza doubled yield. Merck saw a 35% increase in efficiency. Johnson Matthey reduced R&D time by 50%. Imperial College London developed and validated a diagnostic assay for SARS-CoV-2 in just nine weeks.
Polar Semiconductor improved process capability by 35%. Vishay cut data processing time by 83%. And Parker Lord can now do in 20 experiments what used to take more than 1,000. At Kraft, scientists are working both more efficiently and more effectively. So it’s no accident that 22 of the world’s 25 largest consumer goods companies use JMP.
With JMP, BASF reported a 75% reduction in design time. Dow said “billions and billions” of dollars were saved or generated in annual value. Heliatek saw a 5% increase in yield and DuPont reported “twice the result in half the time.”
Discoveries made with JMP don’t have to be earth-shattering, lifesaving, or record-breaking. They just need to be important to someone. And there’s a good chance someone else can learn from how those discoveries were made. Because of that, JMP invests significantly in platforms and events designed to build a global community of empowered, informed, and connected JMP users. Go no further than community.jmp.com to experience information-sharing in action. Or attend a Discovery Summit to see how we put JMP users in the spotlight.
Our purpose
Our purpose is to empower scientists and engineers via our statistical discovery software. That’s pretty straightforward, and it’s never wavered. Sometimes we work directly with the data explorers themselves, sometimes with their companies, and other times with colleges and universities so that the next generation of scientists and engineers will count on JMP by the time they enter the workforce.
Although our purpose is clearly connected to our software, it doesn’t end there. As an employer, JMP purposefully creates and maintains a culture of camaraderie that allows the personalities of our diverse and inclusive employee base to shine through. JMP is an equal opportunity employer.
The catchphrase “corporate social responsibility” could be used for a lot of what we do for our employees, communities, education and the Earth. But starting with JMP founder John Sall, we just try to do the right thing.

Our team

There are more than 500 of us. We live and work across the Americas, Asia, and Europe; our biggest clusters are in the United States, Japan, China, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and Germany. R&D is almost entirely located at our Cary, NC, headquarters. That’s where we are.
But who we are is more interesting. We’re all the things you’d expect in a successful software company...and then some. Yes, we are software engineers, but we’re also mechanical engineers. We’re physicists and playwrights, mathematicians and theologians. We are readers, authors, experimenters, and creators. We honor the historical greats while racking up patents for our own inventions and new ways of thinking.
Many of the stereotypes hold true. R&D staff do love superheroes and comic book characters. It’s hard to get business operations people on the dance floor. Creatives are, well, they’re creative. And sales professionals are driven and competitive. Perhaps unexpected is that many in technical sales are enjoying second careers after working as engineers and scientists – these dedicated JMP users bring all kinds of industry knowledge to the team. We are a global and diverse group with unexpected experiences and extraordinary strengths.
When we hire, we hire for the long term. Our core values include ensuring that all staff members have meaningful roles, feel connected to JMP users, connected to each other, and are positive about their futures. And our leadership believes in finding the right balance between work and life, knowing that happy and healthy people bring passion and energy to their jobs.
As a SAS company – and being a part of SAS during our formative years – we know what it feels like to be one of the world’s best companies to work for. And we want every JMP employee to feel that same way.
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