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Statistical software for dynamic data exploration

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Why hundreds of thousands of scientists and engineers choose JMP

Save time and effort

Easily access and import data from a variety of sources; quickly analyze and share your discoveries in one platform.

Remove barriers and complexity

Tackle problems of any size with our extensive suite of analytic platforms.

Accelerate process improvement

Boost reproducibility and get to market faster while reducing variation by automating repeat analyses – no coding required.

Get more from your investment

Increase efficiency without increasing head count and eliminate the need to have multiple tools that solve the same problems.

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I see JMP as a catalyst for analytics transformation.
Steve Hampton, PCC Structurals

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Data analysis software for interactive innovation

JMP® Pro

Predictive analytics software for scientists and engineers

JMP® Clinical

Clinical data analysis software for ensuring trial safety and efficacy

JMP® Live

Collaborative analytics software for secure, enterprisewide knowledge sharing

See why JMP is chosen by leading organizations*


of the world's 10 largest pharmaceutical companies


of the world's 10 largest chemical companies


of the world's 10 largest semiconductor companies


of the world's 10 largest consumer products companies

* Publicly traded companies by revenue as of January 2025