Working with spectral and chromatographical data often results in noisy data. The good news is there is a simple and efficient way to extract the signals from the noise, enabling a deeper and better understanding of processes and products. 

If you are working on product or process development problems, you might need to utilise spectral and chromatographic data to understand and confirm that the process is performing optimally and generates the desired product. Often, we may summarise data by using estimates based on peak height, position, and shape. However, using these summaries can inevitably cause us to lose some information about our process, reducing the insights we gain from our data analysis process and thus having a negative impact on the quality of our decisions.

Spectral and related data are inherently noisy. This webinar will present a simple and efficient way of extracting the signals from the noise for a deeper and better understanding of your processes and products. If you are a scientist or engineer collecting spectral, chromatographic, or similar data and want to gain deeper insight into the trends and outcomes, you won’t want to miss this webinar.

Stuart Little

Systems Engineer, JMP

Stuart Little is a Systems Engineer at JMP,  where he applies a background in the chemicals industry to helping provide solutions to a broad range of data and statistical problems. He has previously been Lead Research Scientist at Croda, a chemical products manufacturer. Stuart holds a Phd in Chemistry from the University of Sheffield.

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