Resource Center
ArticleDesign of Experiments (DOE) for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology, and Medical Electronics - Bridging Innovation and PrecisionLearn how DOE is revolutionizing pharma, biotech and medical electronics engineering, making health care safer, more efficient, and more effective for all.
ArticleBalancing Efficiency and Effectiveness for Sustainable SuccessLearn about the methods and tools required to achieve success with efficiency and effectiveness initiatives in science and engineering.
ArticleWhy the making stuff mindset doesn't make senseDOE expert Phil Kay discusses how design of experiments, and a little planning, can help you run projects that are more efficient, predictable and deliver the data you need to make better decisions.
ArticleDigitalization is the future of science, just ask a biologistDOE expert Phil Kay discusses how digitalization can help automate large and complex experiments, an idea chemists should borrow from their biologist friends.
ArticleYou Don't Need Coding to be a ChemistDOE expert Phil Kay says the job of today's chemist is less about making samples and more about generating data
ArticleMachine learning applications for chemical and process industriesIn this article, we explain industrial data science fundamentals and link them with commonly-known examples in process engineering. Then, we review industrial applications using state-of-art machine learning techniques.
ArticleAnalyzing spectral data: Multivariate methods and advanced pre-processingJMP Senior Systems Engineers Bill Worley and Data Scientist Jeremy Ash demonstrate the utility of the multivariate platforms in JMP.
ArticleAnalyzing spectral data: Modeling optionsJMP Senior Systems Engineers Bill Worley and Data Scientist Jeremy Ash demonstrate several ways spectral data can be modeled in JMP.
ArticleAnalyzing spectroscopic data: Pre-processingJMP Senior Systems Engineers Bill Worley and Data Scientist Jeremy Ash describe how you can import, visualize, clean, and analyze spectroscopic data with JMP software.
ArticleData Science is a Team SportProfessor Alyson Wilson discusses how, as data grows in volume, velocity, variety and veracity, solving complex problems can no longer be done in a silo.
ArticleForecasting in the IoT eraProfessor, researcher and author Galit Shmueli discusses how large collections of time series can lead to extremely useful forecasting in the Internet of Things Era.
ArticleEmpowering P&G employees to do text analysisScott Reese, from the Data & Modeling Science team at Procter & Gamble, explains how he uses text analytics to answer some of the company's most pressing data questions.
ArticleWhat Is Experimental Design?Experimental design is a technique that enables engineers to efficiently assess the effect of multiple inputs, or factors, on measures of performance, or responses.
ArticleReliability Data AnalysisReliability is an engineering discipline. However, statistical methods play an essential role in the practice of reliability. This article describes the evolution of statistical methods for reliability analysis over years, driven by new technology and changing engineering needs.