Learning Resources for Students
Your Fast Track to Data Analytics

Learn JMP®, Fast!
Only have a minute? Looking for a quick “How-To” guide or video to learn a skill or analysis method in JMP? These minute videos (and corresponding PDFs) will give you quick instructions for using JMP.
Dive deeper into JMP
Looking for more depth on an analysis topic, or additional tips on using JMP efficiently? Join us for a live or recorded 1-hour webinar, or hit just the highlights for new users with our special short series "Getting Started for Academics," listed at the top of the Academic Webinars page.
Take a class!
All you need is a browser, an internet connection and an inquisitive mind. This course has seven modules of self-paced learning. You can take one module or take them all. Each module includes short instructional videos, JMP demos, quizzes, and exercises. You can even earn digital badges and prepare for JMP certification.
Want more?
The JMP User Community is a great place to ask questions and browse user-contributed content. You can also peruse a list of textbooks and practitioners guides that include JMP. More eLearning Courses will take you to a page highlighting additional eLearning courses from SAS Education, plus online teaching videos from other JMP instructors.