Synergies of Designed Data Collection and Big Data

The excitement and buzz around big data (BD) has been so prevalent that it seems BD has become the panacea for all challenges – but there are in fact limitations to what BD can do, which has led to missed opportunities and suboptimal problem-solving and decision-making. The intentional strategic use of designed data collection (DDC) represents an opportunity to elevate how studies involving BD are planned, executed, and interpreted to deliver more satisfying solutions.

In this Statistically Speaking, Christine Anderson-Cook offers definitions of BD and DDC while exploring situations with synergy between the two. Divided into three segments – before big data, actual big data, and after big data – this talk outlines eleven opportunities for integrating designed data collection strategies, including statistical design of experiments and sampling techniques, with big data at all stages of the study.

A Q&A with the speaker is available at the conclusion of the keynote address.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why the connection between designed data collection and big data is significant.
  • How to improve the quality of data using strategic planning before acquiring big data.
  • Why designed data collection is still relevant in the big data era.
  • Why data management, statistical expertise, engineering problem-solving and an analytics translator are relevant keys to success.