Data blending and cleanup
On-Demand WebinarFrom Noise to Nuance: Realizing the Full Potential of Spectroscopy and Chromatography DataExplore how to clean and analyze spectral data, maximizing valuable insights in process development
On-Demand WebinarEnsuring Product Longevity: A Guide to Accurate Shelf Life EstimationLearn more about the shelf life determination process and ensure that your products stand the test of time, both in terms of efficacy and safety.
White PaperHow to Navigate the Top Seven Pitfalls of Data PrepWhile data cleanup has its obstacles, it is possible to reduce, or even eliminate, the impact of common challenges when preparing data for analysis.
On-Demand WebinarAccelerating Your Analytic WorkflowThis three-session webinar series provides practical tips, tricks and best practices to effectively prepare and analyze your data, and then share your data discoveries.
On-Demand WebinarUsing Data Visualization for Better Decision MakingExplore different kind of graphs to visualize your data and communicate your findings effectively with colleagues and stakeholders
On-Demand WebinarWhen Spreadsheets Are Not Enough: Get More out of Your DataLearn how to gain insight into the relationships in higher dimensional data, using integrated data management, dynamic graphs and statistics.
On-Demand WebinarHow to Be a Data DetectiveIn this webinar you will see how interactive, no-code analytics enable any scientist or engineer to be a Data Detective, and to be more effective and efficient at every stage of the process.
On-Demand WebinarGlean and Visualize Deeper Insight from Your DataHear best practices from Procter & Gamble and Michelin! Gaining skills around a multistage process of turning data into useful insights is key. You will see how interactive, no-code analytics enable any scientist or engineer to turn data into actionable insights with a combination of data preparation.
ArticleAnalyzing spectroscopic data: Pre-processingJMP Senior Systems Engineers Bill Worley and Data Scientist Jeremy Ash describe how you can import, visualize, clean, and analyze spectroscopic data with JMP software.
On-Demand WebinarHow to Model Complex, High-Dimensional Chemical SpectraBill Worley and Jeremy Ash demonstrate spectral analysis in JMP. Understanding and acting on factors influencing quality can result in reduced cost, faster time to market, better quality, and other benefits to your organization.
ArticleData Science is a Team SportProfessor Alyson Wilson discusses how, as data grows in volume, velocity, variety and veracity, solving complex problems can no longer be done in a silo.
White PaperJMP takes the struggle out of data wranglingThis paper provides an introduction to the unglamorous, time-consuming, laborious, and sometimes dreaded “dirty work” of statistical investigations – data preparation. The good news: JMP can perform these operations with ease.