Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving
Course Resources
Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Explore the videos and websites below to get valuable insights from thought leaders on data visualization and exploratory data analysis:
- On-demand webinars from JMP — Learn best practices from a variety of experts.
- The Functional Art — Alberto Cairo’s blog on visualization, infographics and data journalism.
- Gapminder — Hans Rosling and others created this site to promote a fact-based worldview through data visualizations that give statistics meaning.
- Flowingdata — Nathan Yau’s site explores how data scientists and others use analysis and visualization to understand data.
Geographic Maps
- For more information on creating your own custom shape files, search for "create maps" in the JMP Online Documentation.
- For sample map shapes for a micro-titre plate, read this post on Micro-Titre Plate Shapes.
- Learn about a JMP add-in that allows you to combine map shapes.
Team Communication
- There are many good resources for effective team communication freely available on the web. Search for “effective team communication” in your browser.
Case Study
- The complete White Polymer case study, including more details about the exploratory data analysis conducted by the team, can be found here.
- For information on enhancing your graphs with colors and markers, search for “colors” or “markers” in the JMP Online Documentation.
- Visit the JMP Learning Library for short guides and videos on probabilities and probability distributions.
- To see how to publish to JMP Public, watch this 20-minute video from the JMP Discovery Conference.
- For more information on solutions to data preparation challenges, watch this interview with SAS co-founder and Executive Vice President John Sall.
- For information on exploring missing values, search for “explore missing” in the JMP Online Documentation.
- Explore the Mastering JMP webinar series for additional information on the following topics: