See How JMP Can Grow with You
Adapt and scale JMP to tap into new possibilities
Connect seamlessly to a variety of data sources.
Apply extensions to support your specific analytic needs.
Take JMP analyses further with Python, R, and SAS.
Share discoveries across your organization using JMP Live.

Data Connectors
Data access is fundamental. It's the starting point for any analytic journey. That's why, with JMP, you can access your data easily from a long list of sources.
- 60+ data connectors and file formats supported.
- Self-service data extracts – no code or help from IT required.
- Preformatted and optimized to explore data in seconds.
JMP Marketplace
When needs change or your business evolves, you can visit the marketplace for new options to adapt JMP.
- Dozens of extensions available.
- Fully tested options to ensure security and privacy.
- Solutions contributed by JMP and JMP users.

Featured Extensions and Apps
Capability Explorer
An interactive, six-graph summary for evaluation process capability.
Torch Deep Learning
A no-code interface to the PyTorch library for predictive modeling with deep neural networks.
XG Boost
A point-and-click interface to the popular XGBoost open-source library for predictive modeling.

Python, R, and SAS Integrations
Make JMP accessible to your data science teams, allowing them to use their expertise creating business value rather than programming.
- Build and share customized add-ins and scripts without requiring users to code.
- Combine the best aspects of other tools with JMP's streamlined interface and robust capabilities.
- Drive impact with your desired tools in the way you want.
JMP Live
Spread the power of JMP discoveries across the organization using JMP Live, your secure, centralized hub of innovation.
- Share JMP reports with anyone in your organization.
- Interact with JMP analyses from anywhere, at any time.
- Seamlessly collaborate with colleagues.

JMP fits seamlessly into your enterprise application strategy
You don’t have to choose between designing for cost and quality of service. Adapt your JMP installation to fit your organization’s preferences, policies, and best practices.
- Easy to install, run, maintain, and configure.
- Self-service for users after installation.
- Flexible desktop and cloud deployment options.