Recommended Add-Ins
Student Menu: Easily access JMP’s teaching and learning tools via a dedicated menu item. This add-in brings the JMP Student Subscription’s Student menu to JMP and JMP Pro.
Preferences Manager: Create and manage preferences profiles, including creating a file that students can use to automatically set their JMP preferences for your course.
Word Importer: Expand JMP’s data importing capabilities to include text, tables, and images from Microsoft Word docs.
PPT Importer: Expand JMP’s data importing capabilities to include text and tables from Microsoft PowerPoint slides.
Calculate Effect Sizes: Calculate effect size measures that may be used in your discipline but are not calculated by JMP: eta squared, partial eta squared, omega squared, and Cohen’s d.
Full factorial repeated measures: Eliminate confusion or error in specifying repeated measures model terms with this specialized Fit Model dialog for analysis of full factorial repeated measures designs.