Trouble Shooting

This troubleshooting guide can help you diagnose and resolve problems that you might encounter when running JMP Clinical software. If problems persist after troubleshooting, contact JMP Technical Support at

Report Problem Suggested Cause/Resolution
Opening JMP Clinical software A message states that your license has expired. Your license to run this software has expired. You must obtain updated license files to renew your license. You need one license file for JMP Clinical software. Most likely, you have received this file in an email. If not, send an email to to request an updated license file.The license files must be saved to your local hard drive.To update the JMP license, complete the following steps:

1 Start JMP Clinical.

2 Click About JMP Clinical.
3 Click for JMP Clinical 17.x.
Attempting to open multiple reports while pressing the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key. A message states that a Script Error has occurred. This may occur when you open the Review Builder and press either the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key and attempt to quickly open multiple reports at the same time. Once you close the Script Error window, the reports should run as normal.