The Adverse Events Narrative NarrText Derivations Table

The narrtext dataset output by the Adverse Events Narrative report contains variables that are used by the template to create the narrative.

NarrText Variable Name Description Derivation
invhead Investigator Name, Investigator Identifier, or Study Site Identifier for subject header If DM.INVNAM exists, set to "Investigator Name". Else if DM.INVID exists, set to "Investigator Identifier". Else set to "Study Site Identifier".
invheadtxt Text for subject header for Investigator Name, Investigator Identifier, or Study Site Identifier If DM.INVNAM exists, set to INVNAM. Else if DM.INVID exists, set to INVID. Else set to SITEID.
racetxt Race text Set to DM.RACE.
aestdaytxt AE start day text If AESTDY is not missing, set to (Day X) where X = AESTDY.
aeendaytxt AE end day text If AEENDY is not missing, set to (Day X) where X = AEENDY.
aesevtxt AE severity or toxicity grade text

If AETOXGR exists, set to (Grade X) where X = AETOXGR. Else if AESEV exists, then set to (lowcase(AESEV)).

dsstdaytxt Start day of disposition event text If DSSTDY is not missing, set to (Day X) where X = DSSTDY.
exstdaytxt Exposure start day text If EXSTDY_MIN is not missing, set to (Day X) where X = EXSTDY_MIN.
aereltxt Causality text If AEREL = "Y" or "Yes", then set to "related". Else if AEREL = "N", "No", "Not", or "None", then set to "not related". Else if AEREL = "Unlikely", then set to "unlikely related". Else if AEREL = "Probable" or "Probably", then set to "probably related". Else if AEREL = "Definite" or "Definitely", then set to "definitely related". Else if AEREL = "Remote" or "Remotely", then set to "remotely related". Else set to lowcase(AEREL).
aeacntxt Action taken with study treatment text If AEACN = "N", "No", "Not", or "None", then set to "no". Else if AEACN = "Y" or "Yes", then set to "yes". Else set to lowcase(AEACN).
aeacnothtxt Other action taken with study treatment text If AEACNOTH = "N", "No", "Not", or "None", then set to "no". Else if AEACNOTH = "Y" or "Yes", then set to "yes". Else set to lowcase(AEACNOTH). This variable exists if AE.AEACNOTH exists.
exstdt_mintxt First treatment date (character) Character version of EXSTDT_MIN.
PredaytxtA Date, study day, and period (if multiple treatment periods exist) for Findings A for the closest record on or prior to the start of the event If multiple treatment periods exist, set to (PREDTA, Day X, Period Y) where X is PRESTDYA and Y is PREPERIODA. Else set to (PREDTA, Day X) where X is PRESTDYA.
PostdaytxtA Date, study day, and period (if multiple treatment periods exist) for Findings A for the closest record subsequent to the start of the event If multiple treatment periods exist, set to (POSTDTA, Day X, Period Y) where X is POSTSTDYA and Y is POSTPERIODA. Else set to (POSTDTA, Day X) where X is POSTSTDYA.
saetext Reason the event was considered serious If AESCAN, AESCONG, AESDISAB, AESDTH, AESHOSP, AESLIFE, AESOD, or AESMIE exist, then concatenate the labels of these variables that have a value of "Y" using the delimiter ~.
All Variables from ADSL and DM ADSL/DM variables All variables from the ADSL and DM datasets are retained in NarrText, except RACE.
All variables from ADAE or AE ADAE/AE variables All variables from the ADAE or AE dataset are retained in NarrText, except AEREL.
partial_AESTDTC AE start date partial date flag (only when AE.AESTDY is missing) If .AESTDTC is missing or it is partial, then set to 1. If AESTDTC is complete, then set to 0. If we are dealing with an ADaM ADAE data table, then check for ASTDTF variable. If it contains "Y" or "M" or "D", then set to 1, otherwise set to 0.
partial_AEENDTC AE end date partial date flag (only when AE.AEENDY is missing) If AEENDTC is missing or it is partial, then set to 1. If AEENDTC is complete, then set to 0. If we are dealing with an ADaM ADAE data table, then check for AENDTF variable. If it contains "Y" or "M" or "D", then set to 1, otherwise set to 0.
Trt Treatment received in the period the AE started in If the ADaM variable TRTA exists in ADAE, then set to TRTA. Else if the ADaM variable TRTP exists in ADAE, then set to TRTP. Otherwise, Trt is determined by comparing the AE start date to the treatment start date of each period. Start by comparing the AE start date to the last treatment period start date. If the AE occurs after the treatment date, then set to the treatment associated with that period. Otherwise, compare the AE start date to the start date of the second to last treatment period and so on. If the AE started before the first period start date, then set Trt to "Pre-Treatment".
TrtPeriod Period the AE started in and treatment received in that period Set to Trt (Period).
Period Period the AE started in If the ADaM variable APERIOD exists, then set Period to APERIOD. Otherwise, Period is determined by comparing the AE start date to the treatment start date of each period. Start by comparing the AE start date to the last treatment period start date. If the AE occurs after the treatment date, then set the period to the number of the last treatment period. Otherwise, compare the AE start date to the start date of the second to last treatment period and so on. If the AE started before the first period start date, then set Period to 0.
aestdt AE start date (numeric) Numeric version of AESTDTC. If day and month are missing, impute as January 1st. If day is missing, impute day as the 1st of the month.
aeendt AE end date (numeric) Numeric version of AEENDTC. If day and month are missing, impute as January 1st. If day is missing, impute day as the 1st of the month.
aeterm2 Dictionary-Derived Term and Severity/Toxicity Grade of AE (* indicates partial start date) If AETOXGR exists, then set to lowcase(AEDECOD) (Grade X) where X is AETOXGR. Else if AESEV exists, then set to lowcase(AEDECOD) (AESEV). Else set to lowcase(AEDECOD). If the AE has a partial start date, then add a * to the end of aeterm2.
aestdtcp AE start date (Character) (* indicates partial date) Character version of AESTDT. If AE start date is a partial date, then a * is appended to the end.
aeendtcp AE end date (Character) (* indicates partial date) Character version of AEENDT. If AE end date is a partial date, then a * is appended to the end.
Pre treatment events Pre treatment flag Set to 1 if the event occured before the first dose of study drug. Else set to 0.
Treatment emergent events Treatment emergent flag If treatment emergent flags exist and Ignore available treatment emergent flags is not checked, then set to 1 if the treatment emergent flag is "Y" or "Yes" and set to 0 otherwise. If treatment emergent flags do not exist or Ignore available treatment emergent flags is checked, then set to 1 if the event occurred on or after the first dose of study drug and set to 0 otherwise.
On treatment events On treatment flag Set to 1 if the event occurred on or after the first dose of study drug and at or before the last dose of drug (+ the offset for end of dosing). Else set to 0.
Off treatment follow up events Off treatment follow up flag Set to 1 if the event occurred after the last dose of drug (+ the offset). Else set to 0.
nearaetext Other AEs that occurred within a specified window of the onset of the AE Concatenate all other AEs with a start date occurring within X number of days of the start date of the AE, where X is the number of days selected in Number of days around Adverse Event start date for reported related events. Format is similar to AETERM2.
flag Indicates No treatment, Pre treatment, On treatment, or Post treatment If exstdt_min = missing, set to "No Treatment". Else if On treatment events = 1, set to "On Treatment". Else if Off treatment follow up events = 1, set to "Post Treatment". Else if Treatment emergent events = 1, set to "Pre Treatment".
exstdt_min First treatment date Set to the earliest non-missing value of EXSTDTC per subject.
exendt_max Last treatment date Set to the latest non-missing value of EXENDTC per subject.
exstdy_min First treatment study day Set to the study day corresponding to EXSTDT_MIN.
exendy_max Last treatment study day Set to the study day corresponding to EXENDT_MAX.
drugatfirstdose Drug(s) given on first treatment date If EXTRT = "Vehicle" or "Placebo" then set to EXTRT. Else set to EXDOSE EXDOSU of EXTRT. Concatenate all values that occur on EXSTDT_MIN.
drugatlastdose Drug(s) given on last treatment date If EXTRT = "Vehicle" or "Placebo" then set to EXTRT. Else set to EXDOSE EXDOSU of EXTRT. Concatenate all values that occur on EXENDT_MAX.
aedaysfromfirstdose Days from first treatment date to AE start date AESTDT - EXSTDT_MIN
aedaysfromlastdose Days from last treatment date to AE start date AESTDT - EXENDT_MAX
drugatevent Study treatment(s) taken on AE start date If EXTRT = "Vehicle" or "Placebo" then set to EXTRT. Else set to EXDOSE EXDOSU of EXTRT. Concatenate all values that occur on the AE start date.
numdaysdrugattime Number of days from treatment start date to AE start date for treatments taken on AE start date Set to the number of days from treatment start date of the drugs in DRUGATEVENT to AE start date. Concatenate all values corresponding to the treatments in DRUGATEVENT.
cumdrugatevent1 The total dose received of each treatment at AE start date The total dose received of each treatment at AE start date. Concatenate all drugs given at the time of AE start date. If only one treatment period occurs, then only this variable will exist. If multiple treatment periods exist, one cumdrugatevent variable will be present for each period, containing the treatments given in that period. The number at the end of cumdrugatevent will correspond to the period in which treatment was given.
cmtext Concomitant medications started on or before AE start date or started within a specified window before AE start date Concatenate all values of either CMDECOD (Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT (Reported name of drug) depending on which option is selected in Concomitant medications are reported in text using:. If the Include concomitant medication indication in narrative text box is checked, then append CMINDC to each medication in parentheses. Keep only concomitant medications that started on or before the AE start date. If Number of days prior to Adverse Event start date for reporting concomitant medications is greater than 0, then keep only concomitant medications that started on AE start date and up to X days prior to AE start date, where X is the number of days selected in the option.
presccmtext Medications administered to treat the AE Concatenate all values of either CMDECOD (Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT (Reported name of drug) depending on which option is selected in Concomitant medications are reported in text using: for medications administered to treat the event. If the " option is selected, then RELREC is used to link events to concomitant medications. Otherwise events are linked to concomitant medications using AETERM and CMINDC.
basetext1A Baseline results for Findings A (for period 1 if multiple periods exist) Set to the results at baseline for the domain given in Findings A. Baseline is determined using the baseline flag if it exists or the last record before treatment starts if the baseline flag does not exist. If domain = LB and Original units is selected in the options, then set to lowcase (LBNRIND) upcase(LBTESTCD) [LBORRES LBORRESU, Range = (LBORNRLO - LBORNRHI)]. If domain = LB and standard units is selected in the options, then set to lowcase(LBNRIND) upcase(LBTESTCD) [LBSTRESN LBSTRESU, Range = (LBSTNRLO - LBSTNRHI)]. If test name is selected in the options replace LBTESTCD with lowcase(LBTEST). If one end of the reference range is missing, then replace the missing value with NA. If both ends of the reference range are missing, remove the Range = piece. If LBSTRESN is missing, but LBSTRESC is not missing, then use LBSTRESC in place of LBSTRESN and LBSTNRC for the range. If domain is not LB and Original units is selected in the options, then set to upcase(xxTESTCD) (xxORRES xxORRESU). If domain is not LB and standard units is selected in the options, then set to upcase(xxTESTCD) (xxSTRESN xxSTRESU). If test name is selected in the options, replace xxTESTCD with lowcase(xxTEST). If xxSTRESN is missing, but xxSTRESC is not missing, then use xxSTRESC in place of xxSTRESN. If multiple timepoints exist for the study day, concatenate all values of xxORRES and xxORRESU on the given study day and add the times each result was collected. If multiple treatment periods exist, one basetext variable will be present for each period, containing the treatments given in that period. The number at the end of basetext will correspond to the period in which treatment was given.
pretextA Closest results from Findings A on or prior to the start of the AE Set to the closest results on or prior to the start of the adverse event for the domain given in Findings A. If domain = LB and Original units is selected in the options, then set to lowcase(LBNRIND) upcase(LBTESTCD) [LBORRES LBORRESU, Range = (LBORNRLO - LBORNRHI)]. If domain = LB and standard units is selected in the options, then set to lowcase(LBNRIND) upcase(LBTESTCD) [LBSTRESN LBSTRESU, Range = (LBSTNRLO - LBSTNRHI)]. If "Different compared to baseline" is selected for the "Include on-study lab tests where reference range indicator is:" option, then append the baseline value after the reference range. If test name is selected in the options replace LBTESTCD with lowcase(LBTEST). If one end of the reference range is missing, then replace the missing value with NA. If both ends of the reference range are missing, remove the Range = piece. If LBSTRESN is missing, but LBSTRESC is not missing, then use LBSTRESC in place of LBSTRESN and LBSTNRC for the range. If domain is not LB and Original units is selected in the options, then set to upcase(xxTESTCD) (xxORRES xxORRESU). If domain is not LB and standard units is selected in the options, then set to upcase(xxTESTCD) (xxSTRESN xxSTRESU). If test name is selected in the options, replace xxTESTCD with lowcase(xxTEST). If xxSTRESN is missing, but xxSTRESC is not missing, then use xxSTRESC in place of xxSTRESN. If multiple timepoints exist for the study day, concatenate all values of xxORRES and xxORRESU on the given study day and add the times each result was collected.
predtA Date of closest results from Findings A on or prior to the start of the AE Set to the value of xxDTC corresponding to the results in pretextA where xx is the domain selected in Findings A.
prestdyA Study day of closest results from Findings A on or prior to the start of the AE Set to the value of xxDY corresponding to the results in pretextA where xx is the domain selected in Findings A.
posttextA Closest results from Findings A subsequent to the start of the AE Set to the closest results subsequent to the start of the adverse event for the domain given in Findings A. If domain = LB and Original units is selected in the options, then set to lowcase(LBNRIND) upcase(LBTESTCD) [LBORRES LBORRESU, Range = (LBORNRLO - LBORNRHI)]. If domain = LB and standard units is selected in the options, then set to lowcase(LBNRIND) upcase(LBTESTCD) [LBSTRESN LBSTRESU, Range = (LBSTNRLO - LBSTNRHI)]. If "Different compared to baseline" is selected for the "Include on-study lab tests where reference range indicator is:" option, then append the baseline value after the reference range. If test name is selected in the options replace LBTESTCD with lowcase(LBTEST). If one end of the reference range is missing, then replace the missing value with NA. If both ends of the reference range are missing, remove the Range = piece. If LBSTRESN is missing, but LBSTRESC is not missing, then use LBSTRESC in place of LBSTRESN and LBSTNRC for the range. If domain is not LB and Original units is selected in the options, then set to upcase(xxTESTCD) (xxORRES xxORRESU). If domain is not LB and standard units is selected in the options, then set to upcase(xxTESTCD) (xxSTRESN xxSTRESU). If test name is selected in the options, replace xxTESTCD with lowcase(xxTEST). If xxSTRESN is missing, but xxSTRESC is not missing, then use xxSTRESC in place of xxSTRESN. If multiple timepoints exist for the study day, concatenate all values of xxORRES and xxORRESU on the given study day and add the times each result was collected.
postdtA Date of closest results from Findings A subsequent to the start of the AE Set to the value of xxDTC corresponding to the results in posttextA where xx is the domain selected in Findings A.
poststdyA Study day of closest results from Findings A subsequent to the start of the AE Set to the value of xxDY corresponding to the results in posttextA where xx is the domain selected in Findings A.
aerelmultterm2 Multiple causality This variable is created if upcase(AEREL) = "MULTIPLE". For records in SUPPAE where QNAM starts with "REL" or "AEREL", concatenate QVAL with the treatment name from QLABEL separated by to for a value like "related to Treatment 1". Concatenate all values of this type per AE using a ~.
aeacnmultterm2 Multiple action taken with study drug This variable is created if upcase(AEACN) = "MULTIPLE". For records in SUPPAE where QNAM starts with "ACN" or "AEACN", concatenate QVAL with the treatment name from QLABEL separated by for to get a value like "drug withdrawn for Treatment 1". Concatenate all values of this type per AE using a ~.
inexdoseimp Partial or missing EX start or end date flag Set to 1 if subject has any EX records with a partial or missing EXSTDTC or EXENDTC. Set to 0 otherwise.
mhtext Medical history terms and year If MHSTDTC exists, then set to MHDECOD(Dictionary derived term) or MHTERM(Reported term for the medical history) depending on the option selected concatenated with (year of MHSTDTC). If year is missing, then replace with Unknown. If MHSTDTC does not exist, then set to MHDECOD or MHTERM. If MHDECOD is empty, replace with Unknown. Concatenate all values together per subject using a ~ as the delimiter.
MHCancerText Cancer diagnosis Concatenate all unique values per USUBJID of MHTERM(Reported term for the medical history) or MHDECOD(Dictionary derived term) where MHCAT = "Cancer History". If MHDECOD is selected and the value is missing, use MHTERM in its place.
MHGenText General medical history Concatenate all unique values per USUBJID of MHTERM(Reported term for the medical history) or MHDECOD(Dictionary derived term) where MHCAT = "General Medical History". If MHDECOD is selected and the value is missing, use MHTERM in its place.
DSTERM Reported term for the disposition event Set to DS.DSTERM.
DSDECOD Standardized disposition term Set to DS.DSDECOD.
DSSTDTC Start date/time of disposition event Set to DS.DSSTDTC.
DSSTDY Study day of start of disposition event If DS.DSSTDY is not missing, then set to DS.DSSTDY. If DS.DSSTDY is missing, then DSSTDY is calculated using the difference between DSSTDTC and RFSTDTC.
dsstdt Start date/time of disposition event (numeric) Numeric version of DSSTDTC. If day and month are missing, impute as January 1st. If day is missing, impute day as the 1st of the month.
dsstdtcp Start date/time of disposition event (* indicates partial date) Character version of DSSTDTC. If DSSTDTC is a partial date, then a * is appended to the end.
totalcmcnt Total concomitant medication count Set to the number of records in CM per USUBJID.
CMPriorText Prior systemic therapy Concatenate all values of either CMDECOD (Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT (Reported name of drug) where CMCAT = "PRIOR THERAPY". If the Include concomitant medication indication in narrative text box is checked, then append CMINDC in parentheses to each medication.
CMRadioText Prior radiotherapy Concatenate all values of either CMDECOD (Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT (Reported name of drug) where CMCAT = "PRIOR RADIOTHERAPY". If the Include concomitant medication indication in narrative text box is checked, then append CMINDC in parentheses to each medication.
CMSurgText Prior surgery Concatenate all values of either CMDECOD (Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT (Reported name of drug) where CMCAT = "PRIOR SURGERY". If the Include concomitant medication indication in narrative text box is checked, then append CMINDC in parentheses to each medication.
CMPriorMedsText Prior medications Concatenate all values of either CMDECOD (Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT (Reported name of drug) for all prior medications. If the Include concomitant medication indication in narrative text box is checked, then append CMINDC in parentheses to each medication. Prior medications are any medication in the CM dataset where CM start day is less than 1 and CMCAT is not equal to "PRIOR THERAPY", "PRIOR RADIOTHERAPY", or "PRIOR SURGERY".
CMConMedsText Concomitant medications Concatenate all values of either CMDECOD (Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT (Reported name of drug) for all concomitant medications. If the Include concomitant medication indication in narrative text box is checked, then append CMINDC in parentheses to each medication. Concomitant medications are any medication in the CM dataset where CM end day is greater than or equal to 1 or missing and CMCAT is not equal to "PRIOR THERAPY", "PRIOR RADIOTHERAPY", or "PRIOR SURGERY".
CMRegimenText Number of prior regimens Subset CM on CMCAT = "PRIOR THERAPY". For each unique CMDOSRGM per USUBJID, concatenate CMDOSRGM with all corresponding values of CMDECOD(Standardized Medication Name) or CMTRT(Reported name of drug) using a : to separate CMDOSRGM from CMDECOD/CMTRT and a + to separate each CMDECOD/CMTRT if there is more than one per CMDOSRGM. If the Include concomitant medication indication in narrative text box is checked, then append CMINDC in parentheses to each CMDECOD/CMTRT. Concatenate all records per USUBJID using a ~ as a separator.
subjectID Subject identifier or unique subject identifier If "Use Subject Identifier for study in lieu of Unique Subject Identifier" is checked, set to SUBJID. Else set to USUBJID.
exendaytxt Last treatment study day text If EXENDY_MAX is not missing, set to (Day X) where X = EXENDY_MAX.
exendt_maxtxt Last treatment date (character) Character version of EXENDT_MAX.
flagtxt Indicates No treatment, Pre treatment, On treatment, or Post treatment (* indicates partial EX date) Set to FLAG. If Include Exposure (EX) in the narrative is checked and EXSTDTC or EXENDTC is a partial date, then add an * to the end.
_eventTypeSortCode_ Narrative Category per event (fatal, SAE, discontinuation, or AESI) Used to set the narrative category for each AE. If AEOUT contains "FATAL", set to 1. Else if AESER = "Y", set to 2. Else if AEACN contains "WITHDRAWN" or AEACN variables in SUPPAE contain "WITHDRAWN", set to 3. Else if AESIFL = "Y" or AESI = "Y" or "1", set to 4. Else set to 99.
AESIFL Adverse event of special interest flag Set to AESIFL from either ADAE or SUPPAE. If AESIFL comes from SUPPAE, transpose data where QNAM = "AESIFL" and use corresponding values in QVAL.
AESI Adverse event of special interest Set to AESI from either ADAE or SUPPAE. If AESI comes from SUPPAE, transpose data where QNAM = "AESI" and use corresponding values in QVAL.
NarrCatType Narrative Category per subject (fatal, SAE, discontinuation, or AESI) Set to the minimum value of _eventTypeSortCode_ per USUBJID. For example, if a subject has one AE that is fatal and one AE that is serious, NarrCatType would be set to 1 for that subject.
PrePeriodA Period of closest results from Findings A on or prior to the start of the AE Set to the period that PREDTA falls in. Only for studies with multiple treatment periods.
PostPeriodA Period of closest results from Findings A subsequent to the start of the AE Set to the period that POSTDTA falls in. Only for studies with multiple treatment periods.
Severity AE severity (numeric) If AESEV="MILD", set to 1. If AESEV="MODERATE", set to 2. If AESEV="SEVERE", set to 3. If AESEV="LIFE THREATENING", set to 4. If AESEV="DEATH", set to 5.