Output Overview Descriptions | Clinical Reports | Findings Distribution

Findings Distribution
This process compares distributions of Findings and demographic variables across treatment arms . Refer to the Findings Distribution requirements description for more information.
Note : JMP Clinical employs a special protocol for data including non-unique Findings test names. Refer to How does JMP Clinical handle non-unique Findings test names? for more information.
Note : Refer to Distribution Reports for a description of the general analysis performed by the JMP Clinical distribution reports.
Running Findings Distribution for Nicardipine using default settings generates the Report shown below.
The Report contains the following sections:
Distributions : Contains Histogram s to display the distribution of Findings tests taken during the study and other relevant variables for the selected Findings domain.
Count Plots : Contains graphs for each test to display measurement counts within categories of the Reference Range Indicator variable. This tab is displayed only if the xxNRIND variable is present in the Findings domain data (typically the LB domain).
Test Results : Contains One-way Analyses ( ANOVA ) for each test that has numeric measurement results ( xxSTRESN values), Contingency Analyses for each Findings test that has character results ( xxSTRESC values but missing xxSTRESN values), or both.
Missing Test Details : Contains tables displaying subject counts for tests that were either not recorded, or that were recorded but have missing measurement values (of xxSTRESN and/or xxSTRESC ). If all subjects had nonmissing recorded test measurements for all tests, this tab is not shown.
Data Filter
This enables you to subset subjects based on demographic characteristics and study site. Refer to Data Filter for more information.
Drill Down Buttons
Drill down buttons, provide you with an easy way to drill down into your data. The following drill down buttons are generated by this process:
Profile Subjects : Select subjects and click to generate the patient profiles. See Profile Subjects for additional information.
Show Subjects : Select subjects and click to open the ADSL (or DM if ADSL is unavailable) of selected subjects.
Cluster Subjects : Select subjects and click to cluster them using data from available covariates . See Cluster Subjects for additional information.
Create Subject Filter : Select subjects and click to create a data set of USUBJID s, which subsets all subsequently run processes to those selected subjects. The currently available filter data set can be applied by selecting Apply Subject Filter in any process dialog .
Click to generate a standardized pdf - or rtf -formatted report containing the plots and charts of selected sections.
Click the Options arrow to reopen the completed process dialog used to generate this output.