When you are determining resolved status using AE Duration (as defined in the permitted AEDUR variable ), this value represents the maximum duration an event can have and still be considered to be resolved. For example, specify 7 to consider all AEs that last longer than one week to be not resolved. If you leave this field blank, then a value of 1 is used by default.When you are determining resolved status using AE End Day (as defined in the permitted AEENDY variable), this value represents the number of days since the reference start day for the subject. If the end day for the AE is greater than this number, then the AE is considered to be not resolved, otherwise it is considered to be resolved. If you leave this field blank , then the reference end day for the subject is used by default.
Specify either AE Duration Compared to a Reference Value or AE End Day Compared to a Reference Day as the Determine Resolved / Not Resolved Status using: to enable this field.