Click .A Browse SAS Data window is surfaced.Important : _Cadam_ and _Csdtm_ are special libraries that contain the ADaM and SDTM data folders corresponding to the current study. For ease of access, these libraries normally appear near the top of the Libraries pane. You should avoid manually creating libraries named _Cadam_ and _Csdtm_ .
Select either the _Csdtm_ or _Cadam_ libraries from the Libraries pane to view the SDTM or ADAM files contained within. By default, _Csdtm_ is selected. If SDTM has not been specified for the current study, _Cadam_ is selected.
Select any file from the Data pane to view the columns contained within.The Data Preview pane is populated with data from the first 10 rows and 10 columns of the selected file.
Click to open a copy of the full file in JMP. Several options are available for first inspecting, subsetting, and preparing the data for import in the Import Options pane:
• Use labels for imported column names imports the columns with SAS Labels shown. If you uncheck this box, SAS Names are shown instead.
• Add SQL table variable to imported table , when checked, writes a special SQL table variable (viewable from the upper left panel of the JMP table) reflecting the SQL filtering performed by the next series of options. For example, when all columns are specified from the AE data set in the SDTM folder (with no additional criteria specified), the value of this variable is “ SELECT * FROM Sdtm.AE ; ”.
• The Filter Imported Data pane enables you to subset the data by specific columns whose data meets specific criteria. Click to surface a Select Columns dialog, where you can specify the columns that you want to import. Click to surface a WHERE dialog, where you can specify additional criteria required for including rows. (Click the button in that dialog for more information.) After you specify these filters, this pane is updated with the corresponding SELECT and WHERE clauses .
• The Sample Imported Data pane enables you to import a sample, rather than all, of the data. Check the Import a random sample of the data set box to do this. By default, once you check this box, 5% of rows are randomly imported. Click to surface the Sampling Settings dialog, where you can specify the amount of data to sample, among other advanced options. (Click the button in that dialog for more information.)
• The Custom SQL pane provides a space for you to run custom SQL commands. Type or paste SQL commands in the Custom SQL to Execute text field and click to execute them, surfacing the resulting SAS_Query window containing the returned records.
Select a column from the Columns pane to view details of it.The Column Details pane is populated with information about the selected column.
You can explore details of other columns in other files in other folders of the currently selected study by repeating the steps above. When you are finished, simply close the Browse SAS Data window with the button located in its upper right corner.