The Distribution Details tab is shown below:The Distribution Details tab contains the following elements:Bar charts are provided to summarize the major classes of SMQ : a) Narrow Search at the Individual Term Level (open by default), b) Broad Search at the Individual Term Level, c) Algorithm Search at the Individual Term Level, d) Narrow Search at the Cumulative Term Level, or e) Broad Search at the Cumulative Term Level. The bars display the frequency or percentage by treatment of subjects that meet the criteria for each SMQ.For non-hierarchical SMQs, the results of individual or cumulative analyses are identical. For hierarchical SMQs, cumulative analyses include SMQs from all sub-SMQs. For example, view the Hepatic Disorders hierarchy on the Hierarchical SMQ’s tab. An individual-level analysis for Liver Neoplasms, malignant and unspecified would contain only those SMQs that fall within cell 20000011; the cumulative analysis would include SMQs from 20000011, and the sub-SMQs 20000208 and 20000209.See Graph Builder documentation for more information.
• A Data Filter .This enables you to subset subjects based on demographic characteristics and other criteria. Refer to Data Filter for more information.