The Overall Enrollment section contains the following:
• The first graph is a cumulative count of subjects randomized to the trial versus the date of enrollment. Each line represents the cumulative counts for a specific site. All represents the rolling average of cumulative counts across all sites, based on the number of sites in the trial on the specific date.
• The second graph is a cumulative count of subjects randomized to the trial versus study day computed relative to when the study site became active. In this case, the date on which the site becomes active is adjusted to Day 1 . All represents the average of cumulative counts across all sites, based on the total number of sites in the trial.
• The plots of counts across study days also show major deviations in terms of the number of subjects that enroll on any given date. prints days only when subjects were enrolled. Note : All is not printed, since this would be printing an average of all sites on the respective day.