The TreeMap Results tab contains the following elements:Adverse Events are grouped initially by Trial Time Windows , which can be changed by the Column Switcher for TreeMap Tabs . Cells are colored to distinguish event type, and sized based on the number of subjects experiencing the event for the particular column value. Should Count multiple occurrences of an event per subject be selected, sizes represent the total number of events occurring. The Interventions Distribution process has a similar option for Count multiple occurrences of an intervention per subject .See Graph Builder for more information.
• One Table .Rows of the Table represent events, whereas column is initially Trial Time Windows . (Column can be changed by the Column Switcher for TreeMap Tabs ). Values in the table represent the number of subjects experiencing the event for the particular column value. Should Count multiple occurrences of an event per subject be selected, values represent the total number of events occurring. The Interventions Distribution process has a similar option for Count multiple occurrences of an intervention per subject .See Tabulate for more information.