The Vital Signs section contains the following elements:
• The data table underlying these histograms represents records that have at least one duplicate within or between subjects in the trial (depending on options). Therefore, Unique Subject Identifier shows the number of subject records that occur in duplicate bins . Non-Missing Components helps identify duplicate records with a majority of non-missing data. Country , Study Site , and Treatment Arm are provided to show where these duplicates occur most frequently.See Distribution for more information.Using the button shows the records for selected subjects. This details the records that are duplicated within the subject or across other subjects.To see duplicates, click the general button to view the duplicates in the associated data table. In these cases, each subject’s Diastolic , Systolic , and Heart Rate (highlighted columns) values are identical. It is unlikely to expect that these sets of values would be the same across subjects (or perhaps even repeat identically within subjects).
• One Data Filter .Enables you to subset subjects based on study site, test, and digit. Refer to Data Filter for more information.