Reports | Findings Shift Plots

Findings Shift Plots
This report displays shift plots to compare test measurements for a specified findings domain at baseline versus on-therapy values and performs a matched pairs analysis on average score during baseline and a summary score during the trial. A separate analysis is done for each findings measurement.
Note : JMP Clinical uses a special protocol for data including non-unique Findings test names. Refer to How does JMP Clinical handle non-unique Findings test names? for more information.
Report Results Description
Running Findings Shift Plots for Nicardipine using default settings generates the report shown below.
LB Shift Plots
Contains a summary of findings measurement changes in the form of Shift Plot s .
It contains the following elements:
One set of Shift Plot s for each finding observed in the study.
These plots show how findings levels change from baseline values as a result of treatment. Blue points represent patients treated with nicardipine. Red points represent patients receiving the placebo. The approximately square spread of points (with a diagonal line splitting approximately even across it) indicates similar variability of measurements before and after treatment, although the placebo group appears to have greater variability in both cases compared to the treatment group (due to outliers).
LB Shift Tables
Contains crosstabulation tables comparing baseline and trial statistic elevation measurements for each laboratory test.
Note : This section is generated only if the Display cross-tabulation tables of Baseline versus Trial laboratory measurement elevations box is checked on the report dialog .
It contains the following elements:
These tables contain subject counts and percentages (for each treatment group) of laboratory elevations in reference to the upper limit of normal ( LBSTNRHI ) for measurements taken at baseline versus trial summary measurements. Each table can be interpreted as a categorized representation of the shift from baseline.
Tip : You can select table cells to view the corresponding subjects and their locations in the respective shift and matched pairs plots. (See LB Shift Plots and LB Matched Pairs for more information about the sections containing those plots.)
All tables are associated with the Local Data Filter (located on the right side). You can use this filter to subset the tables based on variable filters. You can select cells of these tables (either counts or percents) to select the corresponding rows in the data table.
LB Matched Pairs
Compares experimental groups for each finding through the use of Matched Pairs Analysis plots.
It contains the following elements:
Each Matched Pairs Analysis Plot set compares the different treatment groups for each finding. Blue dots ( left ) represent patients treated with nicardipine. Red dots ( right ) represent patients treated with the placebo. In the example shown above, nicardipine appears to have little effect on individual potassium level or variation of potassium level between patients.
Data Filter
This enables you to subset subjects based on demographic characteristics and study site. Refer to Data Filter for more information.
Action Buttons
Action buttons, provide you with an easy way to drill down into your data. The following action buttons are generated by this report:
Profile Subjects : Select subjects and click to generate the patient profiles for subjects experiencing selected events. See Profile Subjects for additional information.
Show Subjects : Select subjects and click to open the ADSL (or DM if ADSL is unavailable) of selected subjects for subjects experiencing selected events.
Cluster Subjects : Select subjects and click to cluster subjects experiencing selected events based on available covariates . See Cluster Subjects for additional information.
AE Narrative : Select subjects and click to open the AE Narrative generator.
Demographic Counts : Select subjects and click to create a data set of USUBJID s for subjects experiencing selected events, which subsets all subsequently run reports to those selected subjects. The currently available filter data set can be applied by selecting Apply Subject Filter in any report dialog .
Click to generate a standardized pdf - or rtf -formatted report containing the plots and charts of selected sections.
Click the Options arrow to reopen the completed dialog used to generate this output.
Click the gray border to the left of the Options tab to open a dynamic report navigator that lists all of the reports in the review. Refer to Report Navigator for more information.
Report Options
Report Option Descriptions
Specific documentation for each of the options can be viewed by clicking on the following links:
General Options
Findings Domain to Analyze , Findings Domain Tests for Analysis
Treatment or Comparison Variable to Use , Treatment or Comparison Variable
Summary Statistic for Trial Data , Normalization of Lab Measurements , log Transformation of Lab Measurements
Subject Filter 1
Additional Filters
Additional Filter to Include Subjects 2 , Merge supplemental domain , Include the following findings records: , Additional Filter to Include Findings Tests , Select the population to include in the analysis , By Variables
Time Windows
Time Scale , Baseline Time Window , Calculate baseline as:
Display cross-tabulation tables of Baseline versus Trial laboratory measurement elevations , Display symmetrical axes for Shift Plots
Perform Matched-Pairs analysis of Baseline versus Trial measurements for each treatment group

Subject-specific filters must be created using the Create Subject Filter report prior to your analysis.

For more information about how to specify a filter using this option, see The SAS WHERE Expression .