To access the JMP and functions not already used by JMP Clinical, you must first surface the JMP Home icon on the JMP Clinical main , as described below:You must first modify the system.clinical.preferences file (the default local location for this file is the C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences directory).
Open the system.clinical.preferences file with a text editor.
To view the JMP Home button change {“ShowJMPHomeAccessButton”, 0} to {“ShowJMPHomeAccessButton”, 1} .Note : You must include the quotation marks as shown in the text above. Entries are case-sensitive.
Save and close the system.clinical.prefereneces file.
Click theicon to open the JMP Home (shown below).
Use the Help menu to access the JMP Help system for documentation, tutorials, and other information about using JMP.