Note: The
Findings Distribution report has slightly different analyses and results and is covered briefly in a separate section.
The AE Distribution report is used as an example to describe the analysis performed. This report has the most sophisticated
Report Options of all the
distribution reports for customizing the resulting reports. Other Events/Interventions domains follow a similar, although simpler,
AE Distribution requires (or expects) several demographic- and specific domain-related
variables to generate full report results. The system is flexible. If a certain variable does not exist, the analysis is still performed without it whenever a related variable can be substituted. For example, in
adverse event, required, or expected, variables include:
AEDECOD, AETERM, AEBODSYS, or other higher level term (at least one of these is required),
AESER, either AESEV or AETOXGR, AEREL, AEOUT, and AEACN (All are optional).
The AE Distribution dialog (shown below) enables you to use the term level and group level that are available in your
ae.sas7bdat data so that while
AEBODSYS are specified by default variables in the examples shown here, this specification can be customized based on the term levels available in the given Study.
You can also use the Include the following adverse events: and
Filter to Include Adverse Events options based on user-customized condition and/or on new/modified/stable records (when JMP Clinical snapshot comparison is being used)
If an ADSL table is defined and contains multiple treatment periods (
TRTxxP for example) and treatment period start/stop dates,
ADSL is merged in and the corresponding treatment and period is assigned based on comparison with
Note: If you want to output static AE percent tables only, the
Create Static Report(
) action button should be used.
The subject counts for each value of relevant demographic variables (Treatment,
STUDYID (if not constant) are computed and then the reciprocal of the subject count is recorded in the DM or ADSL data set for merging into AE. This value can be used as a frequency weight for each subject that has a specific event to calculate the percent of subjects for that given demographic group that experience the AE.
Note: If cross-over is detected, these demographic counts represent the total subjects for EACH treatment period.
The (filtered) AE data and the (filtered)
DM or
ADSL table (with computed demographic frequencies) are merged by
USUBJID (and treatment period if cross-over is detected)
Note: JMP Clinical assumes accordance with controlled terminology: "Y" to represent severe events, and "MILD", "MODERATE", "SEVERE" to select the serious, most severe event as representative.
After all of these steps have been completed, the STUDY_ae_xx.sas7bdat results table is used for the JMP results dashboard report.
Column Switchers: Choose the grouping variable used as the demographic comparison for the counts plot and table and a stacking variable to categorize events/interventions (especially useful with adverse events).
Profile Subjects: Generates Patient Profiles for subjects experiencing selected events.
Show Subjects: Subsets and opens ADSL (or DM, if ADSL is unavailable) for subjects experiencing selected events. A Table of USUBJIDs is also presented.
Create Subject Filter: Creates a data set of USUBJIDs for subjects experiencing selected events, which subsets all subsequently run reports to those selected individuals. The currently available filter data set can be applied by selecting the Subject Filter data set in any report dialog on the Filters tab.
Related CM (AE/Events Distribution only): For subjects experiencing selected events, this action button launches Interventions Distribution to summarize the distribution of concomitant medications ( CM).
Related AE (Interventions Distribution only): For subjects taking selected medications, this action button launches AE Distribution to summarize the distribution of adverse events ( AE).
The results of this analysis are based on summarizing adverse events by Dictionary-Derived Term (AEDECOD) with group organization as
Body System or Organ Class (
AEBODSYS). Variations of options for this are dependent on the available terms in the domain data set.
The counts (Y axis) represent the count of subjects that experienced the given event term (
X axis); the counts are categorized as stacked
bar charts for levels of
Severity/Intensity (
AESEV). This categorization is a result of choosing that variable from the
AE Stacking action button.
The output STUDY_aed_xx.sas7bdat data set used to generate these plots and tables contains a row for each subject experiencing each event (optionally by treatment period in a cross-over scenario).
Rows that do not meet the Percent Occurrence Threshold specified on the dialog (5% in this example) are hidden and excluded from analysis. This filter can be interactively changed using the
Data Filter option for
Percent Occurrence (circled below).
Xi =1 if the
ith subject
Si is in the DMG (demographic group) and has an AE value on at least one occasion. If these conditions are not met,
Xi has a value of 0.
Yi =1 if the
ith subject
Si is in the DMG (demographic group). If not,
Yi has a value of 0.
Example 1: Using the action buttons on the Output dashboard, select
None for
Demographic Grouping and
None for
AE Stacking and examine the
Counts Table tab.
Example 2: Using the action button on the Output dashboard, select
Planned Treatment for Period 1 for
Demographic Grouping and
None for
AE Stacking and examine the
Counts Table tab. Note how the values change.
Example 3: Using the action button on the Output dashboard, select
Planned Treatment for Period 1 for
Demographic Grouping and
Severity/Intensity for
AE Stacking and examine the
Counts Table tab. Note how the values change.
Note: In the example, the demographic group column changes the percent calculations (also known as changes the value of the denominator used in the formula), while the stacking/categorization variable just partitions the counts and percentages.
Click Show Percents (located above the plot and circled below).
When you use the Data Filter (located on the right side of the report) to filter the records that are shown, the change does NOT affect the demographic group denominator values that are used in the percent calculations. These denominators, as described previously, are derived in the SAS programming of the analysis based on the analysis population. The counts (the numerator in the percent formula) of subjects experiencing the event (and now meeting the data filter criteria) change values to reflect the use of the data filter.
In the following example, the default (Event Type = All) AE Distribution report was run for the Nicardipine sample data and the results were subsequently filtered for Serious Event =
Y, as shown below:
In the following example, Sex = F has been selected in the data filter:
Note: You must click
Clear (circled above) to clear out prior filters before making a new selection.
Note: If you want to have such demographic filters reflected in the reference population, a pre-specified filter should be used up front, as described below.
Select F category in SEX distribution bar chart (or from the data filter). Note how the females are highlighted in all of the distributions.
Click the Create Subject Filter action button (circled above).
When filtering is applied up front, the percent values and their interpretation are based on females only:
The examples described, while highlighting the AE Distribution report heavily, also reflect the analyses performed by the other events/interventions distributions.
For example, if you run the AE Distribution report using the Nicardipine example that is shipped with JMP Clinical and select Serious Event using the
AE Stacking action button, you see the following
Counts Table.
Click Related CM, as shown below.
If you click Show Percentages on the dashboard, you see the Counts Graph and Counts Table shown below:
Results for the Nicardipine example study when AE Distribution was run for multiple occurrences of events are shown below.
Note: It might be useful to customize the results report data filter to include the computed
Total Count column if you want to filter to more commonly occurring adverse events. The grouping and stacking capabilities and action buttons are still available with this view of the report.
For the Findings Distribution report, these distributions are the initial view. The findings calculations follow the same workflow as described by the events computation, but are simpler because no percent calculations are performed. Most of the analyses are derived using the JMP reports.
The Findings Distribution report might contain the following results:
Distributions: Contains distributions of parameters from the specified Findings domain.
Count Plots: Contains graphs for each test to display measurement counts within categories of the Reference Range Indicator variable. This tab is displayed only if the xxNRIND variable is present in the Findings domain data (typically the LB domain).
Test Results: Contains One-way Analyses ( ANOVA) for each test that has numeric measurement results ( xxSTRESN values), Contingency Analyses for each Findings test that has character results ( xxSTRESC values but missing xxSTRESN values), or both.
Missing Test Details: Contains tables displaying subject counts for tests that were either not recorded, or that were recorded but have missing measurement values (of xxSTRESN and/or xxSTRESC). If all subjects had nonmissing recorded test measurements for all tests, this tab is not shown.
The Distribution tab is shown above. The other three tabs are shown below:
Count Plots: This plot shows counts of records from the Findings domain by Study Visits. The
xxNRIND and either the
VISITNUM variables are required in the domain in order to produce these plots.
Missing Test Details; This tab tracks both missing tests and test records that contain
missing values.