This report creates waterfall plots to show the distribution of changes in test measurements for a given Findings domain across subjects (ordered by their magnitude of change). The Findings measurements are summarized based on a specified summary statistic and a waterfall plot is created for each Findings test.
Running Findings Waterfall Plots with the
Nicardipine sample setting and
LB findings domain generates the report shown below.
There is one Waterfall Plot for each quantitative findings test (for example, laboratory tests) in the Findings data set that was analyzed. Output data set is a
stacked data set of findings measurements at subject level; subject level drill downs available.
There are a series of plots. Each plot shows a summary of the findings test measurements on the Y axis for each subject (on
X axis) ordered by that measurement. Caption boxes in the upper right corner of each graph (optional) display a summary statistic across all subjects (in a treatment or
BY variable group) to aid in understanding the differences in the center/spread of the group
Use the Findings Domain to Analyze option to specify whether to plot the distribution of measurements from either the Electrocardiogram (
EG), Laboratory (
LB), or Vital Signs (
VS) findings domains. LB is selected by default.
You can use the Findings Domain Tests for Analysis option to plot the distributions of one or more selected findings tests. Leaving the field blank (the default selection) plots the distributions for all available findings tests.
Available variables include Planned, which is selected when the treatments patients received exactly match what was planned and
Actual, which is selected when treatment deviates from what was planned.
You can also specify a variable other than the ARM or
TRTxxP (planned treatment) or
TRTxxA (actual treatment) from the CDISC models as a surrogate variable to serve as a comparator. Finally, you can select
None to plot the data without segregating it by a treatment variable.
Use the Plot findings measurements as: option to specify how you want to display the findings results in the plots.
Use the Summary Statistic for Trial Data option to specify whether to display the mean, median, maximum, minimum, or last values to summarize the results of the trial period.
Selecting LLN normalizes the data to the lower limit of the expected normal range and is best used when you expect the values to fall below the normal. Normalized values less than one are considered to be lower than normal.
Selecting ULN normalizes the data to the upper limit of the expected normal range and is best used when you expect the values to exceed the normal range. Normalized values greater than one are considered to be higher than normal.
Selecting Geometric normalizes the data such that the lower limit of the expected normal range is set to -1 and the upper limit of the expected normal range is set to +1. This method is best used when there is no expectations of where the values might fall. Normalized values less than -1 are considered to be lower than normal while values greater that +1 are higher than normal.
If there is a supplemental domain (SUPPXX) associated with your study, you can opt to merge the non-standard data contained therein into your data.
By default, time is measured by visits. However, you can change the Time Scale to measure time in either weeks or days. This option is useful for assessing report graphics for exceptionally long studies.
To establish a baseline measurement for each finding, you must specify the time period (usually prior to day one of the study) and whether to use on or more than one measurement. Use the Baseline Time Window option to specify the time period during which baseline measurements are taken and the
Calculate baseline as: option to use the last pre-dose measurement or the mean of all the measurements taken during the baseline time window as the baseline measurement.
Use the Overall Summary Statistic to Display in Plots option to select the summary statistic to display in the waterfall plots. Median is selected by default.