Label Hy’s Law quadrants Check this option to annotate the plot of Bilirubin against Alanine Aminotransferase with terms relating to Hy’s Law. Note: This option is unchecked by default. When you check this option, the resulting plot is labeled as follows: Quadrant Additional location information Label upper right above both reference thresholds Hy's Law upper left surpassing the Bilirubin reference line, but not meeting the Alanine Aminotransferase threshold Cholestasis lower right surpassing the Alanine Aminotransferase reference line, but not meeting the Bilirubin reference line Temple's Corollary lower left not meeting either the bilirubin or the Alanine Aminotransferase reference lines none Example Output Using This Option A portion of a Scatterplot Matrix annotated using this option is shown below. To Specify This Option: Click within the check box.