Appendixes | Report Option Descriptions | Include on-study lab tests where reference range indicator is:

Include on-study lab tests where reference range indicator is:
Use this option to select the on-study lab tests, based on reference range indicators, to include in the narrative.
Available options are described in the following table::
On-study labs (for labs that occur on study just prior to or subsequent to the event) are shown only when LBNRIND values are not equal to NORMAL for the on study measurement and are NORMAL for baseline measurement.
On-study labs are shown only when the LBNRIND for the on-study measurement is different from the baseline measurement (for labs that occur on-study just prior to or subsequent to the event).
Note: On-study measurements specify the baseline flags (for example, low BUN [2.142 mmol/L, range = (2.499 - 7.497), BL =normal]), but baseline values are printed only when abnormal to begin with.
On-study labs are shown when LBNRIND is not equal to NORMAL. All abnormal lab results that occur on-study just prior to or subsequent to the event are shown.
To Specify This Option: