Raw clinical trial data is frequently transmitted in compressed SAS transport (.cpt or .xpt) files. Check this option to convert the SAS transport files into SAS data sets.Running the Add Study... or Combine Studies report, with this option checked, decompresses the SAS transport files and generates the corresponding SDTM and ADaM sas7bdat data sets. By default, when in the local configuration, output SDTM, ADaM, and MedDRA files are placed in this location: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SAS\JMPClinical\14\JMPC\TransportData. To change the location of the transport files, modify the installation.path.preferences file. For example, to change the files to a folder called Test on the C drive, open the installation.path.preferences file1 and change this line:Note: Version 8 SAS Transport .xpt files are supported.
If you are accessing this option through the Combine Studies report, choose Update Study Data and Metadata for Select a task to enable this field. (Otherwise, ignore this step.)
The installation.path.preferences file is found in your JMP Clinical installation folder (normally C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\14\LifeSciences). See How does JMP Clinical know where to find my studies? for more information.