Clickto open the Set Value Ordering in Studies window.
• The Study outline label indicates the current study being modified. Click on the arrow to collapse/expand the study.
• A collapsible/expandable outline for each domain and its relevant variables.
• A collapsible/expandable outline for each variable within each domain. Each variable has a field listing the values and a set of controls used for specifying the order in which the values are presented in the report.
• Alphabetic: All values in the variable are to be ordered in either ascending () or descending (
) alphabetical order.
• Natural: All values in the variable are to be ordered in either ascending () or descending () most logical order.
• Ad hoc: User can specify any ordering of the values. Highlight one or more values with the variable and clickor
to move the selected value(s) up or down, respectively.
Use the drop-down list to make global changes to the window display and/or value ordering. Options include expanding/contracting all Study, Domain and Variable outlines, sorting all values across all variables alphabetically/naturally ascending/descending, and resetting all orderings to factory defaults.
Click once you have made your selections to apply those changes to the study.
Click to cancel any changes made and close the Set Value Ordering in Studies window.
• By default, all values are ordered in ascending natural order. The only exception is the reference range indicator variable (xxNRIND), which is ordered in descending natural order.
• Value ordering is specific variables is assumed to be consistent across all domains in the study. To comply with this assumption, in studies where multiple domains contain the same variable(s), the Set Value Ordering in Studies window displays the first instance of each variable only, and all copies of this variable in other domains will honor its ordering.