Whenever a user runs a report, metadata about the execution is captured. The location for these metadata are controlled by a path setting in the installation.path.preferences file. The value of the
/user/lifesciences/processresults key defines the location. By default, that value is
<userLifeSciencesRoot>\ProcessResults\<USER>. For the Default configuration, that will resolve to:
Within that folder, each study has its own subfolder. Within each study subfolder, there are three files: _processinfo.sas7bdat,
_processinfo2.sas7bdat, and
StudyLog.txt. These file contain the execution details for each report the user ran.
There are two files in your JMP Clinical installation folder (normally C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences) that tell JMP Clinical where to look for your studies and where the output data, reports, notes, and so on, are to be placed.
The first of these files, installation.path.preferences tells JMP Clinical where to find the file paths to the locations of all of your studies and other need information. A portion of the default
installation.path.preferences file is shown below:
This file tells JMP Clinical where to find installation.path.preferences file for each of the locations configured for your JMP Clinical installation.
This line defines both the name and location of the default configuration. In this case, the name of the configuration is Local and it is located in the
$LS_HOME, which in the default installation is set to
C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences\. This is the location shown on the JMP Clinical
Settings tab, as shown below:
Caution: In the example shown here, the location is specified using a mapped drive path. Locations should contain mapped drive paths only if your organization's setup guarantees that all users have the same mapped drives. If you are unsure, you should use the UNC path instead.
The new “Share” configuration is now shown as an option.
JMP Clinical saves and stores all of your configuration variations in a file called installation.configuration.preferences. This file is located in your product home directory (typically
C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences).
When you open JMP Clinical for the first time, the software generates a backup copy of the installation.configuration.preferences file, called
installation.configuration.preferences.backup, and saves it in your Documents folder (
C:\Users\username\Documents\JMPClinical). Every time, thereafter, that you open JMP Clinical, the software compares the date-time stamps of the
installation.configuration.preferences file and the
installation.configuration.preferences.backup file. If it finds them to be different, such as would occur when you add or modify configurations, JMP Clinical immediately generates a backup copy of the
installation.configuration.preferences.backup file, naming it
installation.configuration.preferences.previousbackup, and stores it in the same location. It then overwrites the existing
installation.configuration.preferences.backup file with one that is identical to the
installation.configuration.preferences file. The
installation.configuration.preferences.previousbackup file is always a copy of the penultimate version of the
installation.configuration.preferences file.
When you re-install JMP Clinical or update to a newer version, you also install a new copy of the installation.configuration.preferences file containing only the default configuration. To restore your previous configurations, delete the new
installation.configuration.preferences file, copy, and paste the
installation.configuration.preferences.previousbackup file into the
C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences directory and rename it
installation.configuration.preferences. Close and reopen JMP Clinical and you should find that your configurations have been restored.
Refer to Working with JMP for information about accessing basic JMP functionality.
By default, the ButtonLabelOption is set to “
1” to display icons only, as shown below:
Data used in JMP Clinical must comply with local CDISC standards for
variables and values. Certain values have been hardcoded in JMP Clinical software and must be specified exactly as listed below. The following table lists the English specification for these values and their equivalents in additional languages supported by JMP Clinical software: