Parameters | Copy Number | -log10(p-value) Cutoff

-log10(p-value) Cutoff
Specify a cutoff for -log10(p-value) in order to select significant hypothesis tests.
Note the following:
Values are on the -log10 scale, so 1.3 corresponds to a p-value cutoff of 0.05, 2 to 0.01, 3 to 0.001, and so on.
If you do not specify LSMeans differences or ESTIMATE statements (where applicable), the selection is made across Type 3 tests of the fixed effects.
This field is an alternative to specifying a Multiple Testing Method.
To Specify a -log10(p-value) Cutoff:
Select the blank entry from the Multiple Testing Method for Adjusting P-Values.
The -log10(p-value) Cutoff field becomes active.