Parameters | Expression Parameters | Differential Expression Effects to Keep in the Normalized Data

Differential Expression Effects to Keep in the Normalized Data
Use this field to specify one differential expression effect to keep in the normalized data. This effect is not removed in the normalization process.
A common effect to specify here is the interaction among all primary treatment effects, especially when you have asymmetric expression.
All effects not specified here are removed or normalized from the data.
Important: Effects specified here must be identical to one of the Additional Fixed Effects and one of the Fixed Effects for Differential Expression. When specifying interaction effects, list the variables in the same order as the Categorical Variables.
To Specify Differential Expression Effects to Keep:
If you specify more than one effect, you must separate the effects with spaces. For example, assuming A and B are listed as Categorical Variables, typing A B in the text field specifies variables A and B as main fixed effects.
To specify interactions between effect, type an asterisk (*) between the effects. For example, assuming A and B are listed as Categorical Variables, typing A B A*B specifies variables A and B, and the interaction between A and B, as effects.
A vertical bar (|) can be used to create main effects and interactions. For example, typing A|B is the same as typing A B A*B.