Linkage Group Hierarchical Clustering Method Use the drop-down menu to select a method for joining clusters to form linkage groups via hierarchical clustering. Different algorithms can work better than others depending on your data. Available algorithms are described in the table below: Select: When you want to: Average Define the clusters based on the average distance (recombination rate) between pairs of markers from different clusters. This is the default selection. Centroid Define the distance between clusters on the Euclidean Distance between the cluster means. Complete Define the distance between clusters based on the maximum recombination rate between a marker in one cluster and a marker in a different cluster. Single Define the distance between clusters based on the minimum recombination rate between a marker in one cluster and a marker in a different cluster. Ward Define the clusters based on ANOVA sum of squares across all markers between clusters. To Specify a Linkage Group Hierarchical Clustering Method: Make a selection using the drop-down menu. Refer to the JMP documentation on the Hierarchical Clustering platform for more information.