Parameters | Genetics | Prefix for Column Names of Expanded Genotypes

Prefix for Column Names of Expanded Genotypes
Use this text box to specify a prefix to be used when creating the SAS column names for those columns containing the expanded genotypes in the output data set.
The prefix EG_ has been specified by default.
The expanded genotype columns contain one column per allele at each marker. The prefix is appended to the original variable name along with the specific allele. For example, if Marker1 has 3 alleles (A, B, and C) listed in the Marker1 column, the column names containing the expanded genotypes would be EG_Marker1_A, EG_Marker1_B, and EG_Marker1_C.
Note: If the Use Annotation Label Variable for Variable Prefixes check box is selected, the annotation label is used in place of the variable name.
To Specify a Different Prefix for the Column Names:
Left-click on EG_ in the text field and type a new prefix.
Click Clear to use no prefix.