Use this field/slider to specify a guideline value for the minimum number of linkage groups to form.This option is used as an additional criterion to stop joining marker groups in the Minimum Spanning Tree optimization algorithm used in the Minimum Recombination Grouping method. The method will work in conjunction with the Grouping Recombination Fraction Threshold to determine linkage groups.If you want the algorithm to form exactly the number of linkage groups specified in this field, you should enter a very high (>= 0.5, for example) value in the Grouping Recombination Fraction Threshold field. This will make the number of linkage groups value specified here to be the only constraint for connecting edges of markers in the grouping algorithm.Note: If a Framework Linkage Group Variable is specified, the Minimum Number of Linkage Groups is automatically set to the number of defined framework groups.
Make sure that the Minimum Recombination Grouping option is selected in the Choose a linkage grouping method parameter.Tip: To change the scale of the slider, right-click on the slider and select from the pop-up menu. Change the upper and/or lower boundaries in the window that appears, to rescale the slider and click .Refer to the SAS PROC TREE documentation for more information.