Parameters | Genetics | Corresponding Key Marker Label from Merge Input SAS Data Set (1-12)

Corresponding Key Marker Label from Merge Input SAS Data Set (1-12)
Note: You can specify as many as twelve (1 - 12) unique variables, depending on the number of QTL plots that you are comparing. Each variable must come from a unique Merge Input SAS Data Set (1-12).
Use this field to specify a marker label variable from the Merge Input SAS Data Set (1-12) by which to merge. The values in this variable must be in the same order as the Base Key Variable specified in Key Chromosome Number Variable from Base Input SAS Data Set. This variable must also have valid values that match the values of the Base Key Variable. This must be a character variable.
To Specify a Corresponding Key Marker Label Variable from the Merge Input SAS Data Set:
All of the variables in the specified data set are displayed in the Available Variables field.
Click to add the highlighted variable to the Corresponding Key Marker Label from Merge Input SAS Data Set field, as shown below: