Parameters | Workflows | Principal Variance Component Effects for QC

Principal Variance Component Effects for QC
Use this option to specify effects defining sources of variability which will be modeled to explain variability in the principal components.
Variance components are estimated for each effect and then combined into a single pie chart of total variability in the principal components. At least one effect must be specified. A Residual variance component is also fitted that models all variability not accounted for by the effects.
For purposes of modeling additivity, all effects specified here are treated as random effects, even though you might normally consider them to be fixed effects in an ANOVA analysis.
Effects typically contain one or more categorical variables, which must also be specified in the Categorical Variables for Model field.
To Specify these Effects:
To specify interactions between effect, type an asterisk (*) between the effects. For example, assuming A and B are listed as Categorical Variables, typing A B A*B specifies variables A and B, and the interaction between A and B, as effects.
A vertical bar (|) can be used to create main effects and interactions. For example, typing A|B is the same as typing A B A*B.