The Impute Missing Genotypes process imputes numeric missing marker genotypes (
0, 1, or
2) for diploid organisms using the
k-nearest neighbor imputation (
kNNi) or the linkage disequilibrium
k-nearest neighbor imputation (
LD-kNNi) methods
1. LD between markers is computed (using the SAS PROC ALLELE), distances between samples are computed (using the SAS PROC DISTANCE), and
k-nearest neighbor samples is computed (using the SAS PROC MODECLUS)
One SAS data set is required: An input data set with one column per each numeric coded marker (0 for the homozygous major allele,
1 for the heterozygous, and
2 for the homozygous minor allele).
Output from this process is accessed from a Results window. Refer to the
Impute Missing Genotypes output documentation for detailed descriptions and guides to interpreting your results.