The Imputed SNP (Wide Format) Input Engine imports a set of files created by a SNP
imputation program, such as MACH (Li and Abecasis 2006). This process outputs two different SAS
genotype data sets that can be used for subsequent analyses.
Consult the Imputed SNP Import Tutorial (
Genomics > Import > Other Genetics > Imputed SNP Import Tutorial) for help on what options to use for your particular files. You should also refer to
Data Sets Used in JMP Genomics Processes for information about data set formats.
The genotype probability file(s) must be in
wide format, where sets of genotype probability columns correspond to
SNPs, and individuals are in rows. With the options provided, files from programs such as MACH, can be imported and analyzed. MACH-generated probability files have the
.mlprob extension.
Optional files include both pedigree and data files, also in a format used by MACH software. They can be imported and combined with the genotype data.
The following example uses the sample.mlprob genotype probability file, the
sample_nogeno.ped pedigree file, and the
sample_nogeno.dat data file included in the
Sample Data folder.
Note: Although the pedigree file used in this example does not contain columns of marker genotypes, most pedigree files typically do. Similarly, although the data file used in this example does not contain rows identifying the marker genotypes listed in the pedigree file, most data files typically do.