For example, consider the Drosophila Aging experiment described in
Drosophila Aging Experimental Data. The
drosophilaaging_exp.sas7bdat data set (found in the \
LifeSciences\Sample Data\Microarray\Scanalyze Drosophila directory included with JMP Genomics), shown
below, serves as the input data set. This experimental design data set contains information for the
Drosophila Aging experiment and is used to identify and describe files containing raw data. The data set contains eight columns and 48 rows.
In this example, we generate a subset of the drosophilaaging_exp.sas7bdat data set containing only those rows specifying data from female flies from specific arrays (all except array “1”). Since all data are from female flies, we also drop the
variable specifying the sex of the flies.
The output of the Subset process includes the
Results window, which lists the output data set.