Variable Gene Selection

Running this process for the PBMC sample setting generates three output data sets accessed from a Results window shown below. Refer to the Variable Gene Selection process description for more information about this process.

The Results window contains the following pane:

Output Data

This process generates the following output data sets:

A log-Normalized Output Data Set: This output data set includes selected variable genes with the log-normalized values replacing the raw count values. This data set can be used as input for a wide variety of analytical processes include Basic RNA-Seq Workflow and Basic Single Cell RNA-Seq Workflow.
Original Count Data Set: The output data set (identified by the appended _raw suffix) includes selected variable genes with the original UMI count data. This data set can be directly used for data visualizations. It can also be used as input for a wide variety of analytical processes after appropriate data normalization procedures.
Standardized Data Set: The output data set (identified by the appended _scale suffix) includes selected variable genes with the standard deviation-standardized values replacing the raw count values. This data set can be used as input for PCA, clustering, and other multivariate analyses.

Note: You should decide which data set should be used based on the type of analysis or visualization you want to do. The Basic Single Cell RNA-Seq Workflow uses a log-normalized data set by default.


Click to reopen the completed process dialog used to generate this output.
Click to close all graphics windows and underlying data sets associated with the output.